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Wrapping paper

Wrapping paper

Valentine’s Day has never been so rock like this!

The nowadays men would love this PNP PLAST wrapping paper to wrap flowers and even little pretty young things to give to their super sweet Valentines.

Rock is a love language, the TATOUAGE WRAPPING PAPER is something you have never seen before. This paper trickles personality, power and sweetness at the same time.

Make your Valentines proud of themselves, treat them like princesses and love them unconditionally.



Choose your color and style your event


Lilac –  is considered a feminine, graceful color. Its connection with flowers means it’s often associated with romance and affection. It can conjure innocence, youth or nostalgia.



Pink – Love and compassion, pink is kind and comforting, bringing joy and warmth into our lives. Leading with passion, kindness, and understanding, the color pink symbolizes all that is good in the world.



Green – the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. Green is also traditionally associated with money, finances, banking, ambition, greed, jealousy, and wall street.




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Flower pots are the ideal way to package your plants and bouquets.

Our idea of flower pots spaces in different materials and is not the usual glass or ceramics. We give you the possibility to personalize your gift and your composition using a paper or velvet round box.

They are very strong, so you don’t have problem for keeping weight and water (they have the cellophane inside). They are nice and your clients cannot notice them among the other packaging.

It is re-usable at home as decoration or for keeping your important things or for…other plants!!