Jeigu jums reikia supakuoti gėles, dovanas ar maistą, celofanas yra ideali medžiaga.

PNPPLAST ITALY SRL yra lyderiaujanti kompanija pakavimo priemonių iš polipropileno gamyboje, atnaujinanti savo asortimentą du kartus per metus- tad čia visuomet rasite ką nors naujo.

Galėsite rinktis produktus rulonais, lapais, maišelius, apskritimus ir kitus…

Kasmet pristatomos kolekcijos yra stilingos bei modernios, kokybiškų spalvų ir su galimybe rinktis iš daugybės metalizuotp efekto ar pastelinių natūralaus efekto dizainų.

Celofanas yra itin atspari medžiaga, su kuria paprasta dirbti ir naudoti dėl jos lankstumo.

Norėdami sužinoti daugiau, susisiekite mumis!

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For a greener future

For a few years already, Piennepi has moved towards the introduction and employment of ECO-FRIENDLY materials. Consistent with the ever-growing requests of the market, regarding materials with a reduced environmental impact, Piennepi has developed and put in catalogue many items that are able to accommodate that demand.

Something that you don't expect…

PLA: the ideal plastic in the future 

  • Bio – based: PLA shows the lower carbon emission. The unit weight of carbon emission of PLA only equals to PET 26%, PP 32%
  • Recyclable: lactide (intermediate) can be recycled through catalytic reaction and reach a high recovery rate of 98.5%
  • Degradable: by composting, PLA can be 100% biodegradaded within 180 days under composting condition with final outcome of H2O + CO2
  • Food – contact safety: the monomer of PLA is lactic acid, which is a commonly used food additive in food, wine making and pharmaceuticals industry.
  • SUSTAINABILITY for Piennepi, does not only mean manufacturing and selling items which are environmentally friendly, but also having the complete production chain to follow and respect the most up-to-date legislations on the matter.